
New Residents

Design Review


Ensuring the Beauty of the Neighborhood, Preserving Property Values

Design Review is the process of getting the Homes Association’s approval on any exterior modifications that affect the neighborhood’s outward beauty. The following sections highlight the various components of the process.

The primary purpose of the DRC is to protect property values and preserve the quality of life in the Village by controlling the appearance, condition, and use of the land, buildings, landscapes, and other improvements within the Village.

When in doubt, residents can call the Homes Association, and they will walk them through the next steps.


Working with the Village’s DRC is smooth when you stay informed of the processes.

A beautiful home starts with an organized builder

For any questions, call the DRC Coordinator at the CPHA.

Builder Rules and Regulations

Know the rules and share them with your team.

Builder Sign Rules

This pdf outlines the rules related to builders’ signage.

Builder Parking Plan

Narrow, resort-style roads require strict parking guidelines.


Additional Approvals Required


Requests for approval must be submitted to the design review of the sub-association before the Master Association DRC. Sub-associations may be more restrictive than the Master Association and therefore must be approved before the DRC will review the request.

Golf Courses

Residents must solicit golf course approval for any change that encroaches on the golf course set-back or that alters the view from the golf course.


We’re here to help

Our Design Review Coordinator is on hand to answer any questions residents or potential residents have about the design review process.

Design Review Meetings

Meetings are held at 8:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the CPHA building.